HSE Policy Central to Producing Quality Product

Walvis Bay – Etosha Fishing is committed to managing health, safety, quality and the environment (HSE) as an integral part of business and this forms one of the foundations of our vision to produce a quality product.

Human values and safety
The health and well-being of our employees are of prime importance. We believe that all workplace injuries, occupational illnesses and environmental incidents are preventable and will therefore never compromise HSE and quality standards and procedures in the quest for other business priorities.

We will comply applicable laws and regulations in Namibia, international standards, Group policies and guidelines, as well as our own objectives and targets. Where national laws and regulations are silent in catering for our specific needs, international best practice appropriate to the local situation will be applied while assistance will be given to the formulation of new legislation.

Risk management
We will employ management systems specifically designed to prevent pollution, activities and/or conditions that pose a threat to human health, safety or the environment. We will minimize risk and protect our employees and the communities in which we operate by employing safe technologies and operation procedures, as well as being prepared for emergencies. We will ensure that the HSE issues are integrated into the design phases of new developments.

We will engage in constructive dialogue with all our stakeholders to share information and hear their concerns and expectations with respect to HSE and quality issues of our new projects’ ongoing operations. Further to this, we will continue in our efforts to raise the awareness of HSE and quality issues of interest to our host communities.

Continues improvement
We will seek improvement by continually assessing the Company’s HSE and quality performance against set objectives and regularly reviewed targets.

Our Business

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