Excellence in Food Processing

Etosha Fishing, the Namibian home of Lucky Star, proudly subscribe to the vision of “Excellence in Food Processing”.

Our Mission Statement:
Etosha Fishing is a Namibian food processor with its historical roots in the Walvis Bay fish processing industry. We specialise in quality value added fish products, using world class practices and a family of dedicated staff in order to maximise shareholders return and stakeholders value.

As a corporate citizen we are committed to a responsible approach to the way we interact with:

  • Our employees through sustainable and meaningful employment;
  • The environment and its natural resources through our Environmental Management Program;
  • Government and industry regulators through compliance and good governance.

Our Values:

We do business with integrity and have a sense of fair play towards stakeholders.
We celebrate the value of teamwork within our company as well as with external stakeholders.
We practice and monitor consistency, resulting in superior quality products and excellence in processes, people and systems.
We are proactive in adapting change in our business environment in order to continuously improve our products, processes, people and systems, yielding increased efficiency and owner equality.
Respect for natural resources
We acknowledge that we are dependent on our natural resources for our continued existence. We therefore commit to sustainable and responsible utilisation of our natural resources.


Our Business

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