A total of 3.1 million cans of Horse Mackerel valued at N$21 million were donated by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources for drought relief and poverty stricken Namibians.

In line with the commitments of the Government’s Harambee Prosperity Plan, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources had allocated two horse mackerel fishing quotas earlier this year to the National Fishing Corporation of Namibia (FISHCOR); 10,500 metric tonnes to the Office of the Prime Minister (Disaster Risk Management) and a further 2,000 metric tonnes to the Ministry of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare.

“The allocations for these quotas demonstrates that the Government indeed cares for its citizens who are needy, and is prepared to directly intervene in providing food to them, in addition to appealing for donations from our private sector,” the Minister said.

The two quotas were specifically allocated for canning by Etosha Fishing Corporation and United Fishing Enterprises (UFE) with a view to sustaining processing jobs at these canneries. At a function held on 21 July, the 44 truckloads of canned Horse Mackerel were officially handed over to the Government by Etosha Fishing and UFE.

“The importance of the tri-partite relationship between Government, private sector and civil society is celebrated here today in the coming together of Fishcor, Etosha Fishing, United Fishing Enterprises and Government. Through the purchase of the product that we will be handing over today – a transaction facilitated by FISHCOR – Government is not only providing food to the needy, but also extending a helping hand to the fishing industry,” Etosha Fishing MD Pietter Greeff said at the handover ceremony.

The Office of the Prime Minister will receive 2.1 million cans (175,082 trays) for drought relief and the Ministry of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare will receive 973,333 cans (81,111 trays).

The Minister urged the government officials in the institutions receiving these donations to put in place mechanisms to ensure that the fish is distributed in such a way that it only benefits Namibian citizens who are truly in need of food and cannot afford it. To this FISHCOR Acting CEO Mike Nghipunya remarked that special labels clearly indicating that the product is not for sale will be implemented in future to avoid product being sold illegally.

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Etosha Fishing MD Pieter Greeff addresses the audience at the handover ceremony.

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(From left to right) Petrus Shitatu (UFE), Pieter Greeff (Etosha Fishing MD), Richard Ahrens (UFE GM), Deputy Minister of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare Rev. Aino Kapewangolo, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Hon Bernard Esau and Mike Nghipunya (Acting CEO FISHCOR).


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